Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Songs Left Unexplained #9: Bury Me Deep Inside Your Heart

another song off of HIM's Razorblade Romance album
it reminds me of a time that i was sad..

let me wake up in your arms, you say it's not alright
let me be so dead and gone, so far away from life
close my eyes, hold me tight
and bury me deep inside your heart
all I ever wanted was you my love
you're all I ever wanted
you, my love
let me never see the sun, never see you smile
let us be so dead and so gone
so far away from life
just close my eyes, hold me tight
and bury me deep inside your heart

now for my meaning..

let me wake up in your arms, you say it's not alright
we had this great day, and everything felt right..then all of a sudden he says "i know we wont be together forever but i want to be with you as long as i can" which made me feel so sad..i was sad that it didnt sound like he wanted to try to be with me forever like he said and it flashed back to what happened to me before and it made me so sad..
let me be so dead and gone, so far away from life
for a second i felt like "why am i here?" that line above is how i felt before i knew him after my last break up and then when he said that i felt that way again...i know that what he said wasnt even a mean thing, he didnt say it mean, it was just what he felt was the truth so he told me. i appreciated that, but all i wanted was love that would last forever, nothing short and nothing meaningless
close my eyes, hold me tight
and bury me deep inside your heart
all I ever wanted was you my love
you're all I ever wanted
you, my love
he's all i've ever wanted in a person and i thought he was perfect and i never want him to leave. i know he said "as long a we can" but it still made me sad...like, how long is that? it's not meant to end..this is something too special. i just want him to hold on to me and never let me go
let me never see the sun, never see you smile
let us be so dead and so gone
so far away from life
those 3 lines may sound negative, but in my mind i see it as us setting ourselves apart from everyone else and going on our own adventure, far away from our pasts and on with our future together. the phrase "let us be so dead and so gone" is interpreted to me as this: dead meaning forever, because you cant come back to life after death. and gone as in so high on love that you dont want it any other way. so "let us be forever in love"
just close my eyes, hold me tight
and bury me deep inside your heart
always love me and never forget me or let me go ♥

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